142 West Station Street
Barrington, Illinois
Get in touch
Before you reach out, please know that filling out the form below does not create an attorney-client relationship between us. We would love to represent you—but until we have agreed to do so and have executed an engagement agreement, no such agreement will exist. We encourage you not to send us any confidential information until such time as we have agreed to represent you and have confirmed the terms of our representation in an engagement agreement with you.
142 West Station Street
Barrington, Illinois
1200 Riverplace Blvd.
Suite 105 #1558
Jacksonville, FL
Coming Soon!
Please contact the Chicago office for more information.
49 West Jericho Turnpike
Huntington, NY 11746
935 E. Lancaster Ave
Downingtown, PA 19335
5960 S. Land Park Dr.
Suite 1059
Sacramento, CA
© 2025 All rights reserved - Messer Strickler Burnette, Ltd.